Welcome to the Scout Pages.
If you are interested in joining Bedhampton Scouts and get a taste of what Scouts is about there is a joining page on this website and contact information at the bottom of this page.
Scouts aims to build and develop young people’s confidence, sense of adventure and outdoor skills, as well as encouraging them to explore their beliefs and attitudes and be creative. It offers them the independence to put these skills into practice at camps and even on international trips.
Scouts are encouraged to work together and take the lead on all sorts of projects, from community based work to planning games and activities for their meetings.

The Scout Section is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years. They can move to the next Section, Explorer Scouts, between the ages of 13½ and 14½.
Please look at our Controlled Facebook Page to see photos of our recent activity. All photos are managed inline with our Group newsletter and web and policy (available in our welcome pack).
- We give out paper newsletters and put them on the website below.
- We send out mobile phone text reminders (free). Let Nigel Vosper know if you need a phone added.
- We send out emails via OSM. Please make sure your email details are up to date (link below)
Welcome Pack
Included in the Group Welcome Pack there are two handouts specific to Scouts. There is a Guide for Scouts that was created by one of our Patrol Leaders for his Gold Chief Scout Award. There is also some additional information for Parents (which Scouts are welcome to look through as well).
Please make sure you take a look through the rest of the Group Welcome Pack as well.
A constitution details how the Scout Troop is run. Scouts should have a read so they are aware of what we aim to achieve and how they can contribute to the Troop Forum and Patrol Leaders Council (PLC). The constitution can be found here.
Code of Conduct & Patrol Point System
In order for all Scouts to get the most out of their time in Scouting & to enjoy it, we suggest that you take an active part in the life of the Troop & engage with the many activities & opportunities that Scouting can provide.
The Troop has a code of conduct for all its members. This is not a code or set of rules that have been imposed by the adult leaders, it has been created by involving our Scouts in the process . The code of conduct is also reviewed by the Troop membership and the Patrol Leaders Council to ensure that it is still relevant.
Alongside this we have a Patrol Points System. It is designed to reward good behaviour rather than correct bad, For example if someone has lost his scarf we still want them to turn up (and find their scarf for next week).
Details on our code of conduct and the Patrol Points System is here.
Policy on walking to and home after Scouts.
We understand that there is a big difference between a 14 year old walking a short distance home in summer, to a 10 year old walking home in the dark winter months several miles.
Therefore we ask that Parents/Guardians are clear with their Children whether they can or cannot walk home. To assist with this we have created a consent in OSM to inform us whether your child is allowed to travel to or from Scouts by themselves. By default we set this to permission to consent not given. Click here for the login to OSM. If you need your OSM login reset please let Nigel Vosper know.
Please note that the Scout Association can take no accountability for travel from/ to meetings however our leaders and helpers will obviously stay with any youngster if there is a parent/guardian who is late in collection.
A few weeks after joining Scouts and once they have settled in we invite members to “be invested” as a full member of 1st Bedhampton Scout Troop and also the World Wide Fellowship of Scouting. Here are the details we hand out at the time. There is also a link the the uniform picture available here and variations of the Promise are available here.
Patrol Leaders Guidance.
Patrol Leaders (PLs) and Assistance Patrol Leaders (APLs) are appointed by the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC). There is some guidance on what is expected of PLs and APLs here.
Moving onto Explorers
You can move up to Explorers anytime between 13 ½ and 14 ½.
When you are a Explorer Scout you are free to go to any of the Explorer units in the district (Havant & Waterlooville Area) or even more than one. Our closest Explorer Unit is Phoenix Explorers who are based in the district hut at the Rugby club on a Thursday night (7-9pm). As well as Phoenix Explorers there are units on Hayling, Emsworth and throughout the Waterlooville area. You can find the full list of Explorer Units on the district website here (see right hand side – and there are links then to the Explorer Websites and contact details).
When you find one that suits you please let us know as we can transfer all your Scouting Records (contact details, badges obtained etc).
There is a special type of Explorer Scout known as a Young Leader. These are Explorers who volunteer alongside adult leaders in a Squirrel Drey, Beaver Colony, Cub Pack or Scout Troop. You can not volunteer immediately in the Scout Troop you have just left as it will not be good for your own leadership development. In Bedhampton we are always looking out for good young leaders and they are treated as part of the leadership team.
All Young Leaders in the Squirrel, Beaver, Cub and Scout section who are between the ages of 13.5 and 18 are members of a District Young Leaders Unit which is a special Explorer Scout Unit for Young Leaders. They can also be members of a regular Explorer Scout Unit (optional).
There is more information on Explorers and Young Leaders on both the Hawk District Website and also the National Website. You are welcome to email the District Explorer at explorers@hawkscouts.org.uk for more help and advise.
The important thing is that you do something after you finish Scouts and continue your Skills for life. That can be Explorer Scouts or something else.
Info on the programme, camps and upcoming events.
Link | Document | Last updated |
Click here | Latest Scout News | |
The Scout Section uses OSM (Online Scout Manager) for the detail of the weekly programme and other events and activities. Click here for the login to OSM. If you need your OSM login reset please let Nigel Vosper know.
Click here for details on international expeditions and jamborees and the funding the Executive may be able to help with.
Click here for information on the history of the troop.
Click here for the Scout Badge Positions (inside scoutbase.org.uk).
Click here for Kayaking pages (under general info).

Nigel Vosper (Scout Leader). nigelJvosper@sky.com 0797 9736459
With assistance from other members of the leadership team:
Fraser Dart (Assistant Scout Leader)
Pete Jackman (Sectional Assistant).
Becks Vosper (Sectional Assistant).
and a number of occasional helpers (thank you all)