Reminder THIS SAT (3rd Nov): Quiz Night Fundraiser for World Scout Jamboree and Tanzania 2019

As part of their fundraising activity for the above 2 of our Scouts are arranging a Quiz Night THIS Sat 3rd Nov. Arrive at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start at St Nicholas Church Hall (Our normal meeting place). Max of 8 people per team. Soft drinks and nibbles on sale on the night. Bring own wine/beer. Cost £4 per person which includes free soft drink. Contact Lesley Thomas for tickets.

Quiz Night Fundraiser for World Scout Jamboree and Tanzania 2019

As part of their fundraising activity for the above 2 of our Scouts are arranging a Quiz Night on Sat 3rd Nov. Arrive at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start at St Nicholas Church Hall (Our normal meeting place). Max of 8 people per team. Soft drinks and nibbles on sale on the night. Bring own wine/beer. Cost £4 per person which includes free soft drink. Contact Lesley Thomas for tickets.